In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Release History
0.2.5 Now normalizing event types and item types
0.2.4 I did something here, don't remember
0.2.3 Fixed an issue where invalid input caused an exception
0.2.2 Added wordrap to -d so that the text is easier to grok
0.2.1 Added -d flag to show details for list/find
0.2.0 Refactored organization. Creates config file if not present
0.1.9 Defaults for project in config, lists others if desired
0.1.8 Now allows entry of worklog when transitioning items, or by itself
0.1.7 Now requiring my custom npm module for node-jira-devel
0.1.6 Transitioning now shows all available options
0.1.5 Listing Id for project
0.1.4 Listing Types in Create
0.1.3 Listing Projects
0.1.2 Moar Minor Doc Changes
0.1.1 Minor Doc Changes
0.1.0 Initial Release
Copyright (c) 2012 Chris Moultrie
Licensed under the MIT license.